Plazas M, Vilanova S, Gramazio P, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Fita A, Herraiz, FJ, Ranil R, Fonseka R, Niran L, Fonseka H, Kouassi B, Kouassi A, Kouassi A, Prohens J. Interspecific hybridization between eggplant and wild relatives from different genepools. American Society for Horticultural Science. 2016, (141) 34-44.
Congress communications
Papers in journals
Fita A, Rahma SNAF, Prohens J, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Plazas M. Mejora de la berenjena para tolerancia a la sequía: evaluación preliminar de especies silvestres e híbridos interespecíficos. Actas de Horticultura 2016, 74:251-252. VIII Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas. Vitoria, Spain.
Plazas M, Kouassi B, Vilanova S, Kouassi A, Gramazio P, Kouassi AB, Martínez-Curto C, Herraiz FJ, Prohens J. Utilización de especies silvestres para la ampliación del fondo genético de la berenjena cultivada: obtención de primeras generaciones de retrocruzamiento. Actas de Horticultura 2016, 74:253-254. VIII Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas. Vitoria, Spain.
Kaushik P, Plazas M, Vilanova S, Gramazio P, Prohens J. Caracterización de híbridos interespecíficos entre berenjena y especies silvestres relacionadas. Actas de Horticultura 2016, 74:255-256. VIII Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas. Vitoria, Spain.
Prohens J, Gramazio P, Plazas M, Díez MJ, Fita A, Herraiz FJ, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Soler S., Knapp S, Vilanova S. Introgressiomics: a new paradigm for crop improvement and adaptation to climate change. Book of Abstracts of the 20th EUCARPIA General Congress 2016, 399. 20th EUCARPIA General Congress. Zurich, Switzerland.
Gramazio P, Prohens J, Plazas M, Herraiz FJ, Ziarsolo P, Cañizares J, Vilanova S. GBS-assisted recovery of “lost” introgressions in advanced backcrosses of Solanum incanum to cultivated eggplant (S. melongena). Book of Abstracts of the 13th Annual Solanaceae Conference 2016, 38. 13th Annual Solanaceae Conference. Davis, California, USA.
Prohens J, Fonseka H, Kouassi A, Vilanova S, Fonseka R, Kouassi A, Gramazio P, Herraiz FJ, Welegama T, Kouassi B, Fita A, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Plazas M. Utilization of crop wild relatives in eggplant pre-breeding for adaptation to climate change. Proceedings of the XVI EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting 2016, 33-41. XVI EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting. Kecskemét, Hungary.
Plazas M, Rahma AF, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Prohens J, Fita A. Screening for drought tolerance in eggplant relatives and interspecific hybrids. Proceedings of the XVI EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting 2016, 306-310. XVI EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting. Kecskemét, Hungary.
Plazas M, Vilanova S, Gramazio P, Herraiz FJ, Prohens J. Eggplant pre-breeding using an introgressiomics approach. Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture” 2016, 145. 15th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Syfert M, Castañeda-Álvarez N, Khoury C, Särkinen T, Sosa C, Achicanoy H, Bernau V, Prohens P, Daunay M, Knapp S. Crop wild relatives of the brinjal eggplant (Solanum melongena): Poorly represented in genebanks and many species at risk of extinction. American Journal of Botany. 2016, (103) 635-651.
Kouassi B, Prohen J, Gramazio P, Kouassi A, Vilanova S, Galán-Ávila A, Herraiz FJ, Kouassi A, Seguí-Simarro JM, Plazas M. Development of backcross generations and new interspecific hybrid combinations for introgression breeding in eggplant (Solanum melongena). Scientia Horticulturae. 2016, (213) 199207.
Ranil R, Prohens J, Aubriot X, Niran L, Plazas M, Fonseka R, Vilanova S, Fonseka H, Gramazio P, Knapp S. Solanum insanum L. (subgenus Leptostemonum Bitter, Solanaceae), the neglected wild progenitor of eggplant (S. melongena L.): a review of taxonomy, characteristics and uses aimed at its enhancement for improved eggplant breeding. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2017 (in press): 10.1007/s10722-016-0467-z
Prohens J, Gramazio P, Plazas M, Dempewolf H, Kilian B, Díez MJ, Fita A, Herráiz FJ, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Soler S, Knapp S, Vilanova S. Introgressiomics: a new approach for using crop wild relatives in breeding for adaptation to climate change. Euphytica. 2017, 213:158.
Gramazio P, Vilanova S, Hasing T, Plazas M, Prohens J, Bombarely A. Resequencing of seven eggplant (Solanum melongena) and one wild relative (S. incanum) accessions for genetic diversity evaluation and use in breeding. The XIV Solanaceae and III Cucurbitaceae Genomics Joint Conference. Valencia, Spain, 2017.
Gramazio P, Mangino G, Prohens J, Plazas M, Herráiz FJ, Vilanova S. Development of eggplant materials with introgressions from Solanum incanum and identification of candidate gene for drought tolerance. The XIV Solanaceae and III Cucurbitaceae Genomics Joint Conference. Valencia, Spain, 2017.
Gramazio P, Plazas M, García-Fortea E, Mangino G, Vilanova S. Developing introgression lines of S. melongena carrying genome segments of the wild progenitor S. insanum. The XIV Solanaceae and III Cucurbitaceae Genomics Joint Conference. Valencia, Spain, 2017.
García-Fortea E, Gramazio P, Vilanova S, Mangino G, Prohens J, Plazas M. Interspecific hybridization between Solanum elaeagnifolium and S. melongena and potential for eggplant breeding. The XIV Solanaceae and III Cucurbitaceae Genomics Joint Conference. Valencia, Spain, 2017.
Kaushik P, Plazas M, Gramazio P, Raigón MD, Vilanova S, Prohens J. Chlorogenic acid content and reducing capacity in eggplant wild relatives and interspecific hybrids. The XIV Solanaceae and III Cucurbitaceae Genomics Joint Conference. Valencia, Spain, 2017.
Kaushik P, Plazas M, Gramazio P, Vilanova S, Raigón MD, Prohens J. Contenido en polifenoles totales y ácido clorogénico en especies silvestres relacionadas con la berenjena. VIII Congreso Ibérico de Ciencias Hortícolas. Coimbra, Portugal, 2017.
Gramazio P, Prohens J, Plazas M, Andújar I, Herraiz FJ, Vilanova S. Desarrollo de materiales de introgresión de Solanum incanum en el fondo genético de S. melongena como herramienta para la mejora. Actas de Horticultura 2014, 69: 159-160. VII Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas. Zaragoza, Spain.
Dissanayka A, Rajapaksha R, Welegama T, Fonseka R, Prohens, J, Fonseka H. Characteristics of wild relatives of cultivated eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) outside their origin: a platform for the improvement of cultivated eggplant in Sri Lanka. Book of Abstracts of the ICCI 2015, 43. 2nd International Conference on Crop Improvement. Bangi, Malaysia.
Gramazio P, Plazas M, Fonseka RM, Kouassi A, Vilanova S, Fonseka H, Kouassi A, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Welegama T, Kouassi B, Fita A, Niran L, Ranil RHG, Herraiz FJ, Dissanayake A, Prohens J. Enhancement of crop wild relatives in eggplant breeding for adaptation to climate change: results of interspecific hybridization. Book of Abstracts of the 27th PGIA Annual Congress 2015, 40. Twenty Seventh Annual Congress of the PGIA. Gannoruwa, Sri Lanka.
Prohens J, Fonseka H, Kouassi A, Plazas M, Fonseka R, Kouassi AB, Gramazio P, Welegama T, Kouassi B, Herraiz FJ, Ranil R, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Niran L, Fita A, Vilanova S. A strategy for broadening the genetic base of eggplant using wild relatives as donors of variation. Abstracts of the The 12th Solanaceae Conference 2015, 64. The 12th Solanaceae Conference. Bordeaux, France.
Prohens J, Fonseka H, Kouassi A, Plazas M, Fonseka R, Kouassi A, Andújar I, Ranil R, Kouassi B, Gramazio P, Niran L, Fita A, Welegama T, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Vilanova S. Use of wild relatives for increasing the genetic base and adaptation to climate change of eggplant. Book of Abstracts of The 14th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture 2015, 160. 14th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Fita A, Fioruci F, Plazas M, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Prohens J. Drought tolerance among accessions of eggplant and related species. Book of Abstracts of The 14th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture” 2015, 500. 14th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Martínez-Busó M, Manzur JP, Prohens J Fita A. Optimization of in vitro protocols for the isolation and regeneration of immature embryos from common eggplant (Solanum melongena) and scarlet (S. aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants. Book of Abstracts of The 14th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture” 2015, 530. 14th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Plazas M, Vilanova S, Andújar I, Gramazio P, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Moreno E, Lerma MD, Fita A, Herraiz FJ, Prohens, J. Obtención de híbridos interespecíficos de berenjena con especies silvestres relacionadas. Actas de Horticultura 2015, 71: 513-516. XIV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas. Orihuela, Spain.
This work is part of the initiative "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives" which is supported by the Government of Norway. The project is managed by the Global Crop Diversity Trust with the Millenium Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and implemented in partnership with national and international gene banks and plant breeding institutes around the world. For forward informatin see the project website:
García-Fortea E, Gramazio P, Vilanova S, Mangino G, Prohens J, Plazas M. Obtención de retrocruces avanzados de Solanum elaeagnifolium en el fondo genético de S. melongena para la mejora genética de la berenjena. IX Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas. Murcia, Spain, 2018.
Plazas M, Brenes M, Prohens J, López-Serrano L, Calatayud A, Vicente O, Boscaiu M, Fita A. Respuesta fotosintética a la salinidad de la berenjena y de la especie silvestre relacionada Solanum torvum. IX Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas. Murcia, Spain, 2018.
Mangino G, Gramazio P, Vilanova S, García-Fortea E, Prohens J, Plazas M. Desarrollo de una colección de líneas de introgresión de Solanum incanum en el fondo genético de S. melongena y detección de QTLs implicados en caracteres de interés. IX Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas. Murcia, Spain, 2018.
Prohens L. Utilization of wild species for breeding for adaptation to climate change. 17ou Synedríou tis Ellinikís Epistimonikís Etaireías Genetikís Veltíosis Fytón. Patras, Greece, 2018.
Gramazio P, Plazas M, Vilanova S, Mangino G, García-Fortea E, Villanueva G, Arrones A, Lerma MD, Prohens J. Use of eggplant wild genepools biodiversity for introgression breeding. 15th Solanaceae Conference. Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2018